Home for the House

The Church is not a building; it is the people of God who gather together. However, a building is helpful and creates a space for God’s people to gather in and call home. One of the analogies the New Testament authors used to describe the Church was a spiritual house that God is building. A house where His people, like the Old Testament priests, serve and worship Him. For this reason, we understand that the spiritual house needs a home. A home where the people of God can gather together and worship Him. A home that welcomes those who are yet to discover God. A home that creates an atmosphere of family where all are welcome and can find belonging.

We are building and stewarding a Home for the House.

A Brief History of Citylife

Below is a timeline of Citylife Church, showing you the different buildings and locations we met in over the last thirty years. It is important to know, as you look back, that God initiated each significant transition by the leading of His Spirit. This is the story of God’s purpose for Citylife, and it has been amazing to be part of what He is doing.

- 1993 -

First Church Service

On the 7th of February, 1993, Citylife Church (then Northern Suburbs Assembly of God) had its first of many Sunday Church services at Corrimal Public School.

- 1997 -

Corrimal Community Centre

Citylife moved its Sunday service to the newly constructed Corrimal Community Centre in 1997. What is memorable about this time is having to set up and pack down everything for Church every Sunday morning.

- 1997 -

Church Office

While Church services were held at Corrimal Community Centre, Citylife rented an office space underneath the old Coles building in Corrimal.

- 2000 -

The Room

The Room was located on Railway Street in Corrimal. It was a mid-sized meeting space with offices and became the new hub of Citylife. Here, we had kids and youth programs, mid-week meetings and Sunday night Youth Church. Citylife was also running programs in the Bellambi Neighbourhood Centre at this time.

- 2004 -

Jardine Street

For the first time, Ps Ron felt God open the possibility for a change of location outside of the Corrimal area. So, in 2004, Citylife moved to Jardine Street in Fairy Meadow. Here, we turned a light industrial building into a Church facility that accommodated all the different ministries and programs run by our Church. This was an enormous blessing for many reasons, one being we no longer had to set up and pack down Church every Sunday!

- 2012 -

Building Fund

In 2012, Ps Ron was prompted by the Holy Spirit to start a Citylife building fund in preparation for the future. This would begin our annual focus on raising money so we could one day be in a position to purchase our own building. Our first theme was cleverly named, ‘Buy The Bricks’.

- 2012 -

Vereker Street

Six months after starting a building fund, Citylife was given a Church property on Vereker Street in Fairy Meadow. After exploring different possibilities for the future of this building, it was decided that the best option was to sell the property. This kickstarted our building fund by $390,000 and gave us confirmation that God was leading us in this journey.

- 2017 -

Home for the House

By 2017, we had raised $300,000, which meant that along with what God had already given us, we had about $700,000 and were in a strong position to enter the market. At this time, the owner of our current rented facility approached Ps Ron, said he would be putting it on the market, and asked if we were interested in purchasing it. So after four years of prayer, generous giving and exploring different development options, we purchased the very building we were already meeting in.

- 2018 -


Part of the plan of buying the building we were in was to renovate and refresh the interior to create a space that better reflected the philosophy of ministry we had developed over the last decade. We transformed what was a production-oriented space into what reflected a large family home that took advantage of natural light and warm colours. While renovating, we had our Sunday gatherings at Wollongong Innovation Campus and Quality Suites Pioneer Sands in Towradgi.

- The Present -

Giving for the Generations

Here we are in the present, in our own building that reflects who we are as a Church. The goal now is to pay off what is remaining in the building loan, which is just under $500,000. Proverbs 13:22 says, “A good person leaves an inheritance for their children’s children,” and we are committed to passing on a debt-free Church facility to the next generation. This will give them a great foundation for the future and financial freedom to do all that God has for them. Our job is to keep paying off the building loan so we can reach our goal within the next 10-15 years.

Below you can submit what you intend to give as part of this year’s Home for the House offering.

Online Giving Details

Name: Citylife Church Inc
BSB: 062-528
Account: 1008 1253

When giving online, write in the description “H4TH” or “Building”.