What and how you can give to the different areas of Citylife Church.
General Giving
Regular Giving goes to the ministry and running of Citylife Church.
Name: Citylife Church Inc
BSB: 062-528
Account: 1008 1253When giving online, write in the description “tithe”, “general” or what you are specifically giving to.
Global Offering
The Global Offering goes to those we partner with in Cambodia, North Asia & Vietnam.
Name: Citylife Global Inc
BSB: 062-531
Account: 1040 3316When giving online, write in the description “Global Offering”.
Below you can enter what you intend to give as a regular Global Offering. The amount will be sent to Ps Ron and help us budget for what we give to global missions.
Home For The House
Stewardship giving goes towards Citylife property and facilities with the desire to provide for and bless future generations.
Name: Citylife Church Inc
BSB: 062-528
Account: 1008 1253When giving online, write in the description “Stewardship” or “Building Fund”.
Below you can enter what you intend to give as a regular or one-off stewardship offering. This will be sent to Ps Ron and help us to budget for the upcoming year.
Thank You
Thank you to everyone who faithfully and generously gives to Citylife and its ministries. Our prayer is that God will continue to bless you as you put Him first and trust Him with your finances.